Looking for some cute, fun designs that your kids will enjoy using? These striped pencils will be the perfect pattern for your children to use in their reading sessions.
Striped Pencil Book-mark
Looking for some cute, fun designs that your kids will enjoy using? These striped pencils will be the perfect pattern for your children to use in their reading sessions.
Easy Lacy Book-mark
Using stitches like the Foundation Single Crochet, Chains, Single Crochet, Double Crochet, and Picots, you will be able to craft this gorgeous lace pattern that you can use to mark your unfinished books.
Summer Flower Book-mark
As spring and summer come to an end, what better way to remember the kiss of the sun on your face and the smell of blooms with this sunflower design in your favorite comfort book?
Dancing Pencils Cup
I know some people are probably not SUPER excited to start thinking about back-to-school season but I'm also sure there are some people who can't wait. It was for those excited people, the ones who are already buying supplies or teachers already beginning lesson plans, that I made this pattern. I wanted to design a fun pattern that you could throw into your favorite teacher basket or make for yourself, if you're your favorite teacher.
Very Shelley Book-mark
Are you a fan of shells, the sea, and the beach? This very shell pattern will tug on your heartstrings as it takes on the shape of shells you'll commonly find by the seaside. Have fun embellishing your project with buttons and beads to enchant it.