Now that you have made your Heirloom Crochet Doll, you will want to make a crochet doll dress of every color to go along with it.
Here is a cute little doll pattern that would make a wonderful gift for a child. All aspects of the doll can be customized for
Lion Cubs Bobby and Lily Get the pattern
Make your little girl a new doll to add to her collection with this adorable amigurumi pattern. This quick and easy crochet doll
To begin with, our first Scrump doll is very much a true-to-form project. Indeed, this version looks like it came right out of
Here is another amazing amigurumi doll for all ages. In particular, I love this love this curly red mop top. The full article
However, the amigurumi doll doesn't have to be a strictly true to form classic. Thus, here is a pattern for a more modern
This sweet doll in the pictures below is another incredible project that's made using Bernat Blanket yarn. I can't get
This amigurumi doll for all ages transforms! Indeed, this is truly the Optimus Prime of crocheting. The full article about this