Free Crochet Patterns

Dash, The Dog

Dash, the dog, stands only 5" tall and is crocheted in continuous spirals without joining the rounds. He has a little eye spot and sits on the ground with his front paws in front of him, making him an excellent mantlepiece design! So cute! He is a beginner pattern, as there are very detailed steps to guide you through the whole process.

Dash, The Dog

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Briggs The Bear

The pattern is written in U.S. crochet terms, complete with clear instructions and pictures to help you along the way. Briggs The

Frankey Keychain

The pattern is written in U.S. crochet terms, complete with clear instructions and pictures to help you along the way. Frankey is

Sharlotte The Spider

The pattern is written in U.S. crochet terms, complete with clear instructions and pictures to help you along the way. Sharlotte

Kai The Kitty

The pattern is written in U.S. crochet terms, complete with clear instructions and pictures to help you along the way. Kai The