Acorn Basket Bag
Crochet Basket Bag
"This crochet basket bag can be serve as either. It makes a great little carry bag or a home decor basket. It's made with super bulky #6 yarn and a 6mm hook, so it works up very quickly. It would make a perfect gift for friends and family or a great product for craft fairs sales. There are no size adjustments or complications, just a simple free pattern for a really useful little basket/bag anyone could use. "
Darling Daisy Bunny Basket Crochet Pattern
Just in time for Easter, here's an adorable and easy to make DIY basket that is sure to brighten up any gift! And it's not just for the holidays - use this sweet rabbit basket for home decor and storage all year round! It's the perfect accent to a kids' room, nursery, craft room, home office, etc.
If you are using it as an Easter basket, it doesn't get much more springy that this happy little bunny with daisies on its ears!
Cross Crochet Easter Basket Pattern
A Christian twist on the classic crochet Easter Basket - meet the Cross Basket! This design features simple single crochet, an elegant crab stitch edging, and of course a cross applique on the front.
At around 5″ in diameter, I would classify this pattern as a mini Easter basket. I’d like to use it for decor around the house. However, I think you could also make it work with a handle if you wanted to use it for a little one collecting Easter eggs!
Crochet Flower Easter Basket Pattern
This simple and easy basket works up quickly in bulky yarn with beginner friendly single crochet stitches. Sides are worked in the back loop to create a bit of texture.
The fun part of this basket is the addition of button flowers and stems worked with surface crochet around the outside. Video tutorial is provided to help with finishing details of basket including adding the stems and buttons!
Easy Crochet Easter Basket
This super easy crochet Easter basket features the beautifully textured bead stitch combined with basic crochet stitches to create a unique look you'll absolutely love. It's the perfect extra special gift for your extra special little one this Easter! It is beginner-friendly, quick to work up, and super cute! Add buttons, flowers, ribbons, appliques or embellishments to make an awesome Easter basket that is as unique as the little one you made it for. So easy!
Ombre Basket Free Crochet Pattern
This Ombre Basket Free Crochet Pattern is great to make a modern basket to organize your items. You can store your craft items, your coffee pods, your kid’s toys etc. The pattern is easy to make. You can use three different colors of yarns to create gradient effect. One trick you can make them more sturdy is to starch them. You can find a way to hold them up and spray with starch water and let sit. This firms them up and makes then sturdy. And if it wears out you can always do it again! Happy crocheting.