"The Scrappy Crochet Bag is a great way to use up those small balls of yarn you have left over from various projects. It's a fun stash-buster and can be made as a little purse for your phone and a few other small items, or even as a water bottle holder. I just took mine on vacation and people loved it! Size: 5×7″ when laid flat Yarn: Kraemer Yarns Tatamy DK, size 3 - (45% cotton, 55% acrylic), (100 g / 250 yds) - 40 g / 100 yds used Various scrap yarn sizes 1-4 cut into 4″ strips approximately 150 yds used 72 yds of various yarns in 2 yd pieces (36 pieces, each 2 yds long)"
Click here for the crochet pattern