Free Crochet Patterns

Small Kitty Pattern

This tiny little kitty crochet cat pattern is laid flat on its back, with its limbs splayed like a teddy bear. So cute! It requires basic crochet knowledge, but it may be a little hard to work up due to how small it is. If you're up for the little challenge, go for it! The finished size is 3.5" when sitting.

Small Kitty Pattern

Casper, The Dog Amigurumi

Casper, the dog, is a small pup that is really low maintenance as he only requires basic crochet stitches and is quick to make! There is even a YouTube video tutorial that is a great starting point for beginners. For the mini dog, he is around 2" tall, and for the big plushie dog, he is 6" tall.

Casper, The Dog Amigurumi