Free Crochet Patterns

Sunny Bunny

Every small kid will love the Sunny Bunny, because apart from his possitive sunny look, he is very handy. This Bunny can be also

Fairy Night Light

To begin with, the first lighting project is a night light crochet “skin”. Indeed, this one is absolutely adorable, and in

Rose the Rabbit

Rabbits, rabbits everywhere! It's bunny season again, and here is another beautiful example of an ami bunny for Easter. Of

Shark Plushie

And finally, our sea creature selection comes across to include sharks. Let these litle chompers protect your keychain!

Rose Bunny

Here is a lovely project for an ami softie that will be a favorite amongst the youngest ami fans. Of course, those of us who may

Cube Bunny Rabbit

Ooooooo, da widdo, cutsy-wootsy Bunny! I'm going to hug him and squeeze him and cuddle him and call him George! You

Ami Easter Egg

Here are some of the patterns, with lovely, subtle flowers. To summarize, they are absolutely gorgeous, with the subtlety of the

Mini Crab

However, some crabs are needed to, because a sea creature keychain should be able to sing “Under the Sea”, right?