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Badger C2C Square

Badgers are such sweet animals! If you like them as much as I do, you can make this amazing square by Kinga Erdem, which you can see on the pictures below! It's a super fun and colorful project, that can be used to teach your kiddos about animals. The finished size of each square is 15 x 15. What's more, you can gift it to your friends kids!

Badger C2C Square

Crackers2Candycane Christmas CAL

Christmas is just around the corner, so now is the best time to make some fun projects like blankets, that will keep you warm during winter time! This beautiful patchwork blanket is made by Mims Designsand it really has a Christas vibe to it. It's made with 9 cute blocks, each has different design on it.

Crackers2Candycane Christmas CAL

Jasmine Ripple Blanket

This simple and classic ripple blanket was made by Mary Onorati. It's a lovely blankie made with jasmine stitch with a very subtle ripple design. You can use the written pattern as well as the video tutorial. It's a great stroller blankie, that's easily customizable. The finished size is 30×36″.

Jasmine Ripple Blanket