Free Crochet Patterns

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Rose the Rabbit

Rabbits, rabbits everywhere! It's bunny season again, and here is another beautiful example of an ami bunny for Easter. Of

Lace Round Doily

Crochet doilies might seem old fashioned, but they are a great way to add personal touch to your home and make your space feel

Bag in Bag

First, here is a beautiful summer bag with a fruit or vegetable theme. This fun carryall is perfect for your fun beach outfit, or

Shark Plushie

And finally, our sea creature selection comes across to include sharks. Let these litle chompers protect your keychain!

Pinwheel Sweater

Next, this women's hoodie cardigan is a trip down amnesia lane. Indeed, this is a super boho, hippy trippy casual sweater

Melted Snowman

Next, this snowman amigurumi is just having a blast enjoying the summer. Thus, this Melted Snowman toy, will be a fun and ironic