Free Crochet Patterns

This sweater works with wool and mohair yarns to double and work simultaneously. The body is constructed in one piece in turned rounds from the hem to the armholes. It's quite a challenge to do this as it's an intermediate-level project, but if you're up for it, try it now! The finished bust sizes range from 39"- 53".

Belleville Sweater

Read more - Belleville Sweater

This cardigan crochet pattern is all about sophisticated colors and textures. With deep, sturdy pockets, this sweater cardigan will be perfect for keeping your keys, lip balm, wallet, and anything you put into your pocket safe! This easy-level cardigan pattern comes in XS-4XL.

Mountaintop Cardigan

Read more - Mountaintop Cardigan

This plume sweater is a classic piece with basic stitches and a seamless construction. It's lightweight, tailored at the waist and wrists, and features an exciting batwing for added dimension. It comes with instructions for sizes XS-5XL.

Plume Sweater

Read more - Plume Sweater