Free Crochet Patterns


Capture the feeling of delicate, lacy strands of seaweed, white sand beaches littered with shells, and the sparkle of sunshine on the clear, blue ocean. Sargassum is the name of a seaweed that washes ashore on the gulf beaches of Florida, where I recently went for a vacation. The days were full of warm sunshine, but there was still enough of a chill in the early mornings and late evenings to make this shawl a welcome accessory. The striping pattern gently shifts from more green to more blue, without repeating, while optional beads add a nice weight, and occasional sparkle as they catch the sunlight.


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Sand To Sea Shawl

Guest Design from Creations by Courtney on the Joy of Motion Blog. The Sand to Sea Shawl is the perfect layering accessory for

Sea Shells Shawl

The Sea Shells Shawl is made using four crochet stitches which creates this beautiful and intricate lacy shell design. The shawl

Big Sky Shawl

Life is often hard, and even the clearest skies have clouds sometimes. And as crocheters, we can make it better. One way is by