Free Crochet Patterns

Sea Turtle

Next, fantastic sea turtles definitely need a playful playmate. So, here is a turtle poking his head out from underneath the water looking to play with you.

Sea Turtle

The original pattern is available on Ravelry:

Sea Turtle

more details about project photographed you can find here Sea Turtle and here Sea Turtle.

Sea Turtle Amigurumi

Meet Honu the Sea Turtle! Measuring about 6.5 inches long from head to tail, this cute little turtle is a great size for cuddling

Colorful Sea Turtle

To begin with, the first of our fantastic sea turtles is a wonderful, round-bodied beastie with a colorful starburst shell.

Steve The Turtle

Next, look at this little green fellow and his big friendly eyes! Doubtless, I feel like inviting him and his whole family into