Free Crochet Patterns

Hera Afghan Square Free Pattern

Squares with flowers in the center are truly beautiful and one in a kind. You can go for all the colors you love and it will still look gorgeous. What's more, this square is a great example of a simple and elegant project, that will work well in many projects, like blankets, throws, pillow cases, etc.

Hera Afghan Square Free Pattern

Cheeta C2C Square

This beautiful, exotic square is made by Kinga Erdem and I absolutely love this design! You can easily use this square to make a huge bed spread or just a blanket for you or your kiddos. Make the whole blanket with just the cheetah squares, or mix things up with other, you can find them in this post. The finished size of each square is 15” x 15”.

Cheeta C2C Square

Peppermint Granny Square Free Pattern

Red and green are really the most festive colors out there, aren’t they? I mean, take a look at these adorable granny squares by Raffaella Tassoni on the pictures below! They will make such an amazing decoration if you turn them into a bigger project, like for instance a blanket. The finished size of each square is 5.5″ (14 cm).

Peppermint Granny Square Free Pattern