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Weave Crochet and Knitt Free Patterns » Knitting Patterns » Camp Out Fingerless Mitts Free Knitting Pattern

Camp Out Fingerless Mitts Free Knitting Pattern

  • Designed by tante ehm

This classic mitts design is truly one in a kind. Why? Well, because these mittens are super elegant and simply timeless. In other words, make sure to knit these as soon as you can, surely before the colder days come!

Camp Out Fingerless Mitts Free Knitting Pattern

PHOTOS by Kazyuk /

Find original free pattern on, or read more about this version on Ravelry.

Nalu Knitted Mitts Free Pattern

  • Designed by Leila Raven

These amazing mitts are fingerless, so they are super useful if you want to use your phone on a colder day. Moreover, you can make them in all the colors of the rainbow and with yarn scraps. In other words, it's a great way to get rid of leftover yarn.

Nalu Knitted Mitts Free Pattern

PHOTOS by Leila Raven /

Find original free pattern on, or read more about it on Ravelry.

Want not Knitted Mitts Free Pattern

  • Designed by Valentina Georgieva

I absolutely love this amazing braided design of these mitts. They are an absolutely amazing last minute gift, that will last forever and be surely used very ofter. You can gift it to Christmas or birthday, it's going to be amazing!

Want not Knitted Mitts Free Pattern

PHOTOS by twoknitwit /

Find original free pattern on, or read more about it on Ravelry. This particular version is on Ravelry.

Warm Brew Mittens

  • Designed by Joanne Bint

If you like to feel warm and cosy during late fall and winter time, you will definitely need some mittens. These amazing mittens will keep your hands warm, but you will be still able to use your phone or do anything else!

Warm Brew Mittens

PHOTOS by SnowyThistleKnits /

Find original free pattern on, or read more about this version on Ravelry.

Bernat Knit Triangles Hexagon Blanket Free Knitting Pattern

  • Designed by Yarnspirations Design Studio

This Bernat Knit Triangles Hexagon Blanket is a bit oriental, don't you think? Colorful, geometric triangles and fringes at the ends of the blanket in other words, all this looks really fantastic and creates oriental Hexagon Blanket.In other words, you have to give this one a try!

Bernat Knit Triangles Hexagon Blanket Free Knitting Pattern

author: Yarnspirations Design Studio, picture from

Find original free pattern on Ravelry.

Left of Center Cardi Free Knitting Pattern

  • Designed by:Universal Yarn

Beautiful pastel blue, colorful horizontal stripes and contrasting little buttons. A stylish proposal for every little fashion lover, without a doubt! If you love it as much as we do, get to work with the pattern you find under the picture.

Left of Center Cardi Free Knitting Pattern

PHOTOS by knitting-bee /

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